Electricity Company (NEVLEC)
General Numbers: 869-469-7245/ 869-469-7243
Emergency Numbers: 869-469-9100
Opening Hours (Cashiers): Monday to Friday 08:00am to 03:00pm
Opening Hours (Office): Monday to Friday 08:00am to 04:00pm
Bill payments can also be made by using the company’s website, www.nevlec.com

Water Department
General Telephone Line 869-469-5521/ 869-469-5324
Emergency Line 869-469-5979
Office Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00am to 04:00pm

Caribbean Cable Communications
Digicel Building, Main Street, Charlestown
Caribbean Cable Communications is the only provider of Cable TV services in Nevis.
This company also provides internet service and offers different packages for the TV service the internet.

Internet providers
There are two companies providing internet services: Caribbean Cable Communications and Flow (previously known as Cable and Wireless).
There isn’t much difference between both companies. Sometimes one service provider is better in a specific location on island than the other.
If using Caribbean Cable Communications, a subscription to Cable TV is compulsory. With Flow, a land line needs to be installed to have an internet connection.

Caribbean Cable Communications:
Digicel Building, Main Street, Charlestown

Main Street, Charlestown
Please see attached links for different internet packages offered by both companies.

Telephone companies
Two main suppliers provide telecommunication services:
Flow (Ex Cable and Wireless and Lime) offers both land lines and mobile phone services while Digicel only sells mobile phone services.
If buying a cellular phone abroad to be used in Nevis, an unlocked phone is advisable.

There are two services available for mobile services;
- Prepaid service where one tops up its phone credit from various locations.
- Post-paid service; subscribers receive a monthly invoice. Several packages are on offer.

It is important to remember that roaming and data charges are very expensive when traveling.